Master of Mystery and Romance

This is story One THE CALL TO ADVENTURE. The hero is living within their ordinary world but receives some sort of calling to change their life and enter the unknown. This is where the Hero's exists before his present story begins, oblivious of the adventures to come. It's his safe place. His everyday life where we learn crucial details about our Hero, his true nature, capabilities and outlook on life. This anchors the Hero as a human, just like you and me, and makes it easier for us to identify with him and hence later, empathize with his plight. Jemison safe place is his show and his crew where he feels respected, and his haunted condo where he feels accepted by the ghosts. We learn that he has psychic abilities and a warped sense of humor, And he is afraid to let people know he is psychic. He debunks fake psychics that use the internet and other ways to con people. Sets up fake facebook pages to use for readings and such. The call comes from Kensington trying to convince him to open up to people about his abilities. Need some definition of Devon's character here. REFUSAL OF THE CALL. The hero turns away from their calling because they feel some sort of obligation to stay where they are, or fear they are not brave/smart/strong/etc. enough to begin the journey. Although the Hero may be eager to accept the quest, at this stage he will have fears that need overcoming. Second thoughts or even deep personal doubts as to whether or not he is up to the challenge. When this happens, the Hero will refuse the call and as a result may suffer somehow. The problem he faces may seem to much to handle and the comfort of home far more attractive than the perilous road ahead. This would also be our own response and once again helps us bond further with the reluctant Hero. We learn that Jemison cares about people, that he believes most people are good, but that most psychics for hire are cons. Jemison starts to tell Kimberly, but is too afraid of the consequences, of losing the respect of his team, and the viewers, and everyone in general. Shila, Kimberly's mother, joins them for lunch. Jemison and Shila have a flirtation relationship, which Kimberly both encourages and feels uncomfortable about, since Jemison is her boss. SUPERNATURAL AID. When they agree to heed the call to adventure, the hero’s guide or mentor (often magical, wise, or superhuman in some way) appears or becomes known. At this crucial turning point where the Hero desperately needs guidance he meets a mentor figure who gives him something he needs. He could be given an object of great importance, insight into the dilemma he faces, wise advice, practical training or even self-confidence. Whatever the mentor provides the Hero with it serves to dispel his doubts and fears and give him the strength and courage to begin his quest. Jemison talks with Shila, Kimberly's mother. She gives him a stone to carry in his pocket. She says it is a healing stone. He is surprised that she has such spiritual beliefs since Kimberly is so skeptical of any such ideas. Without prompt she tells him that holding it and concentrating on it will help him when he is facing difficult decisions. To make him more comfortable with it, she tell him to think of it like meditating, use the stone to focus. THE CROSSING OF THE FIRST THRESHOLD. The hero leaves their ordinary, known world and enter the unknown world where their journey will take place. Jemison sees Shila with Kimberly as Kimberly tells him Shila is killed in a car crash. THE BELLY OF THE WHALE. The hero completely severs their connection to the “safe” world they left behind. In this stage, the hero makes the commitment to fully engage with the journey and transformation of self. Shila and Kensington convince Jemison that he has to start being honest about his ability, if to no one else than Kimberly. He promises Shila he will. THE ROAD OF TRIALS. The hero goes through a series of struggles—trials that test the hero’s character and ability. Kimberly finds the real psychic and goes to see her to research her for the show. Shila goes with her. The psychic tell Kimberly about wearing her mother's necklace, and indicates she knows about the show and is not willing to be a part of it. As Kimberly talks to Jemison about it, he wants to tell her that he mother was there, but he stops himself before he says it. Devon? THE MEETING WITH THE GODDESS. The hero encounters some sort of powerful love or embodiment of good. The hero must earn a connection with the “goddess.” Jemison goes to meet the real psychic. He knows he is not alone in his ability. She knows he is there to test her, but she also knows why. He is not there to debunk her so much as he is hoping she is real. WOMAN AS THE TEMPTRESS. The hero is tempted away from their journey and ultimate reward. Several news stories come out about the revelation of hypocrisy of a politician, and actor, and a religious leader. The team's research unintentionally helped to expose one of them. Jemison returns to his fear of being ridiculed if his ability is brought to light. Devon? ATONEMENT WITH THE FATHER. The hero comes to terms with the realization that their parental/mentor figure is mortal and flawed. The hero may have to rely on this imperfect being for help. Kimberly was researching a healer that came from a long line of entertainers. She tells Jemison that one of them lived in his building. She gives him details of Kensington's sorted life. Jemison then realizes that Kensington has not been completely honest with him about everything. APOTHEOSIS. The hero reaches some sort of higher understanding that equips them for the final, most difficult stages of their journey/transformation. Jemison confronts Kensington about his past and asks if that why he is still hanging around. Kensington says he was not open and honest with Jemison, but that he was never open and honest about all of it when he was alive, with others or himself. He points out the similarity between them. THE ULTIMATE BOON. The hero achieves what they set out to do, or acquires what they set out to obtain. Jemison tells Kimberly and Devon about his ability, and her mother. Kimberly quits. Devon is quiet, but not dismissive or angry. REFUSAL OF THE RETURN. The hero is reluctant to leave their magical world and return to their ordinary world. Jemison is going to cancel the show. He tells the team he plans to take a break from debunking and hang up the producing hat. Only Devon knows the real reason why and why kimberly quit. THE MAGIC FLIGHT. The hero realizes they must return to their community and bring their enlightenment/boon back. The hero may have to escape and receive supernatural assistance to return. Jemison concentrates on the stone Shila gave him. The meditation helps him realize cancelling the show affect more than himself. RESCUE FROM WITHOUT. The hero may be too weakened physically or mentally to return with the boon and must be retrieved by someone from the ordinary world. Jemison does not know how to get everything back like it was. For the show, or the relationships with Kimberly and the rest of the team. Devon comes to see him and with an uncharacteristic take charge attitude, helps Jemison get the show back on track. Devon convinces him to continue debunking the fake psychics, and that the whole world does not need to know his secret, and that while he is still skeptical, THE CROSSING OF THE RETURN THRESHOLD. The hero reconnects with the ordinary world and must discern some way to keep their boon and integrate their new knowledge into the way that the old world functions. Jemison is back in charge of the show. Kimberly comes back, but under the agreement that she does not have to believe his ability, and that they not discuss her mother again. Their relationship will be different, but they are still friends. Shila thanks him for giving Kimberly her messages, even if they were not received. She says she has other places she needs to go now. MASTER OF THE TWO WORLDS. The hero understands and is able to balance the separation between the “two worlds,” often in some material and spiritual sense. The hero bridges the gap that seems to exist between how they began and how they have returned. Being honest with the team about what he is looking for, not just to debunk frauds, but to find someone with real ability, changes how the teams works together, in a good way for them all. Devon would like to learn more from a scientific view of Jemison's 'talent' and use the information to do a better job with the show. Jemison wants to train him to take over as producer when Jemison is ready to move on, now that he is starting to feel less alone in his abilities. FREEDOM TO LIVE. Mastering the two worlds leads to the hero’s release from fear of death. This allows them to live without fearing their past or future Jemison now has a few close friends who know of his ability, and a couple that he can discuss it with, but it is kept secret from the public. The show continues successfully. Kensington says he has to go haunt someone else now. But he is sure there will be someone else in the building to keep him company. The last paragraph introduces a new ghosts


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